Tuesday, November 27, 2007


As you know we moved this summer. I loved my old neighborhood and still have friends there. And I love my new neighborhood but I am finding out this year about the pressure of the outdoor Christmas decorations. Sure we see funny movies about it but I am here to tell you it is real. i live next door to the Griswalds!!! Lights, and lights and more twinking lights, plus lawn ornaments (pluto and penguins to be exact) and it plays music. So with the sunbreak today (sunbreak is a NW term, when the sun peeks out from the clouds, we all yell "SUNBREAK" and rejoice!), I am semi-Griswalding my house. Actually, not even close, but just enough to be in the holiday spirit and not be known as the neighborhood scrooge. And with any luck, Troy will put the icicle lights up this week-end(it truly is his least favorite thing to do---EVER!)

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